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Leaving people in a good place


I wonder how often we take the time to reflect upon encounters that we have with others and how they may be feeling when we have left the room. Would they be feeling accepted, loved, valued, appreciated, peaceful, confident, joyful, passionate, more in love with Jesus, and hopeful, or would they be feeling annoyed, frustrated, informed (from gossip), unaccepted, undervalued, unloved, or judged. I am often grateful when people have impacted me positively and left me with a bounce in my step and even with confidence knowing I can do this! I believe we have the opportunity to bring heaven to earth and have the amazing privilege of depositing so much good into people’s lives. Leaving people in a good place is something we can all do and my encouragement to you is to be intentional about this. I am surrounded with many good people in my life that do leave me in a good place, but when I come across those who don’t, it really is noticeable. Even recently I was somewhere where a person left me feeling yuk. I felt judged, and definitely not valued or accepted. As I reflected on this, I actually believe that it probably has more to do with how that person is feeling and nothing to do with me. But I thought how sad it was for that person to leave me in a place like that. They had the opportunity to shower me with God’s love, joy, peace, love, acceptance, forgiveness, but instead they reflected doom and gloom. I am in no way perfect and sadly I most likely have left people feeling like this too from time to time and unintentionally I still may in the future, however, I hope that mostly I leave people in a good place and this is my encouragement to you. Life is far too short to hold grudges, to not accept, to make people pay, to be bitter, to be doom and gloom! Let’s make this year a year of LEAVING PEOPLE IN A GOOD PLACE and being intentional about bringing heaven to earth!

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